organic fibers (dry sample)

Protocol number:M130288
Industry:Biology, Agriculture and forestry
Feed Size:< 5 cm
Characteristics:wohl hauptsächlich Holz; wenig poröses, brüchiges mineralisches Material in der Probe. Stücke bis zu 5 cm, welche schwerer mit dem Seitenschneider zu zerkleinern sind (Duchmesser bis zu ~8 mm)
Desired Fineness:< 1 mm (lenght)
Quantity:500 g
Recommendation:We recommend using the present Universal Cutting Mill PULVERISETTE 19 with a sieve cassette of 0,25 mm trapezoidal perforation. Probably without using the optional cyclone separator, sample might remain longer inside the grinding chamber and get ground a little finer. Also possible is the usage of a Variable Speed Rotor Mill PULVERISETTE 14 with cyclone separator and sieve rings of 0,2 mm trapezoidal perforation to grind higher amounts of previous comminuted sample (< 1 mm) .
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